Yesterday, I went back into the city with my friend Rachel to take photos, yet again. We went back to a few places I had visited previously, the day before. But we ended up discovering a few new locations we had been meaning to go to. For example, the photo above was taken in an area with a large platform surrounded by tall buildings. It made for a really cool shot.
When I met up with Rachel, she ended up being 47 minutes late, but that's okay. But when we were chatting whilst eating lunch, she told me that my photos are bad, or at least not very good. And I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic or joking about it, but I found it kind of offensive. With that being said, I didn't say anything back that was rude like calling her pictures terrible. I don't have any hatred or grudge towards her, because that's her opinion, and I'll respect that. But I do want to spread awareness of this: One reason I love photography is that it captures beautiful moments that people would want to keep. For me, the photographs I take are moments I want to remember. And photography isn't about getting the right focus (although, that is important) or who has the best editing. It's all creativity. Everyone has different creative perspectives on how they want to capture a certain object and my photos reflect my style and the way I want the message to be portrayed. The point of this isn't to bash on other people's work, it's to motivate them to be better and to uplift others. But not by saying things such as "your photos are bad".
I just wanted to touch upon this topic because this morning when I woke up, I checked on my YouTube subscriptions and found a video by the Mom's View. In this video, Colette (from the SHAYTARDS), Kayli and Carlie talk about the importance of women empowering other women. This was the first video I watched today and it definitely gave me a better outlook on our community, especially since it was such a motivating message to help me start the day. You all should watch the video, whether you're a girl or a boy, because this applies to everyone in the world. It's more common with girls than boys, but there are males out there that feel the same. I hope you guys will share this message and the video with your friends. Just remember that in this world, people will judge, and that's okay. All of this can be taken as motivation. But also remember that there are people that care for you, and it's important to recognize those who do.
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