November 2016 Recap.
Hey guys. Long time no talk.
It's been well over a month since I've last blogged, filmed... I have had A LOT going on lately. Not just school this time, but family stuff. I've loved and lost and it's been a whirlwind of emotions that I'm just trying to grasp. I'm sorry for my absence and I know it's not fair to you guys, but please understand that at least THIS TIME, I am really struggling to handle everything that's been happening. I wish I could tell the whole story, but I'm just not ready or comfortable at the moment.
On a happy-ish note, I have lots of ideas for videos, I just have to get the energy to film. I'm also shooting a lot more now that it's the Christmas season! Snow has arrived in Canada and I'm loving the beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, with the good, comes the bad and that would be the weather. I'm bummed that my school rarely has snow days because I could use one right about now.
That's it for today.
Until next time.