I am finally old enough to ride on certain rides where they're like "You have to be 16 or older". And "You need a guardian 18 years of age or older to ride"... LIKE SERIOUSLY? I'M TURNING 16 NEXT MONTH. Haha, my summer '16 struggles.
This morning, of my birthday, a little past 12 am... my mom and sister came into my room to say happy birthday and to SURPRISE ME WITH THIS MACBOOK!!!!!!!!! I was actually shocked. I was in NO WAY expecting this, or any gift for that matter. On that note, I am eternally grateful to my family for giving me this sweet 16 gift! I still cannot believe it. I wish someone had recorded my reaction.
My parents usually ask me every year what I want for my birthday, but they didn't do that this year. For some reason, a sweet 16 gift from my parents never crossed my mind. I never thought about what I wanted or asking them for it. My parents were already paying for my sweet 16 birthday party this Saturday (disclaimer: my parents offered to pay for the party and everything. I haven't had a birthday party since I was 9 and they thought "why not?" since I only turn sixteen once XD). I felt really bad so I didn't expect anything more from them.
Seriously though. Last night, my mom and sister went to get something from the garage, and I assumed they were cleaning or moving in belongings (because we're helping to clear out my grandparent's home - we're selling the house, which is sad because that's my childhood home!). I also had to study for 2 tests I had today, Physics and Business (cries, on my birthday too). Haha, today also happened to be Photo Day at my school, and I LOOKED ROUGH. So they went down and just came in my room, I was so confused at first, but then when I heard the words "Happy Birthday" and turned around.... there my mom was with a birthday card on top of the MacBook box. First thing I said "Are you serious?!".
Tonight, for my ACTUAL birthday dinner (not my sweet 16 party), I went to a Texas grill restaurant I haven't gone to in ages! It was just me, my mom, my sister and my dad! Before going to the restaurant, we went to visit my grandma<3 I haven't seen her in weeks because I got sick and I was afraid I'd get her sick, since she isn't feeling to well either. We took a few photos and talked, since it's a tradition that every year on my birthday, we take a family photo all together!
Anyways, for dinner I had this DELICIOUS burger. Yes, I'm basic. Even on my 16th birthday haha XD My parents offered bubble tea afterwards, but I knew I had 2 quizzes to study for tomorrow :(
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! This was truly a memorable birthday. Not just because it's my 16th (SWEET 16), but the people I'm surrounded by makes it a whole lotta fun! :) <3