Sunday, 12 June 2016

UPDATE ON MY LIFE | Exams, Junior Year?!

Hello! LONG TIME NO TALK. Let's catch up on what's been going on.

Frisbee season is over! We lost the quarter final game, to a school that we should've beat. One of the guys on their team, which I assume is a handler, kept travelling but no one called it. So, they got away with so many throws that would've been a turnover if someone had said the guy was travelling. But it was a great first season on the team for me overall.

June 8th

Athletic Banquet 2016!!! I was long awaiting this day! What a great night. If you're wondering what I wore, I just wore a romper from Hollister. Obviously not very formal, but the theme of the banquet this year was a Luau! Hawaii vibes, amirite?!
As you may know, I was nominated for the MIP (most improved player) award on the swim team. Unfortunately, I didn't win. It went to a girl who I know worked really hard during the season as well. Part of me is happy for her, but the other part of me still wishes I got it.

June 9th

School is done! Minus exams, of course. Anyways, June 9th was my last day of school. And it's bittersweet. Obviously I'm so excited for summer!! Summer league, volunteering, summer school (which isn't fun but I'm doing biology so I won't have to during the school year), wonderland, and just so much more!

June 10th

Literally the day after the last day of school, was my English exam. WHY. So sad, I had no time to finish my essay. It was supposed to be 500 words, but I'm pretty sure I wrote 100. My teacher supervisor wouldn't look in my direction as I was raising my hand to get a new piece of paper.

Fast forward to today, June 12th

My history exam is tomorrow!!!!! I have an exam every other day for the next 2 weeks. It's gonna be stressful, I'm going to die. And please pray for me. Thank god, my history class has a group chat and they made notes to share with the class. BLESS.

That's basically it. Until next time.

Downtown Shoot w/ Tammy & Connie!

Went on a spontaneous shoot with my two friends, Tammy and Connie. And here are some of the shots we took! This post is long overdue.
^ my two favourite shots of the day! Not gonna lie, I've recreated some pictures I've seen on Instagram. But for this shoot, I wanted to be original, rather than doing the same thing. I decided to go to a bridge that I saw a picture of on Instagram. We also shot at locations close to the bridge which is where we found the pretty patch of flowers. I love how that shot turned out. I had to bend down pretty low to get the CN tower in it, but I managed to do so!
We also saw this cool red structure, so we took pictures under it. Again, having to bend down really low to get the structure in it. I was using my 50mm 1.8, if you were wondering. What's great is that there were buildings in the background and it just set up the scene perfectly.

We risked our lives for this photo haha. We ran into the middle of the road during a red light and snapped the picture.

Don't my friends look like models?!
Snapped this gorgeous candid of my friend Connie!

UPDATE ON MY LIFE | Exams, Junior Year?!

Downtown Shoot w/ Tammy & Connie!